
I'm thrilled to have you here!

My name is Astrid and I'm the I’m the founder of this small London based business. 

Lola & Pops was born from my love for animals. 

Two adorable souls stole my heart from the moment I laid eyes on them, and they became my constant companions and muses. Their cheekiness, loyalty and love inspired me to create Lola & Pops - a tribute to them.

As a lifelong artist and graphic designer, I pour my heart and soul into every pet portrait I make. Whether it's a digital illustration or a traditional painting, I strive to capture the unique personality and quirks of your pet.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, I can't wait to bring your pet's portrait to life.

You can commission a pet portrait in a range of styles but I am always looking to try new approaches, so if you have an idea or there is something you have seen that you like, let me know.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at info@lolaandpops.com

P.S. Follow our new Instagram @lola.and.pops and tag us to show us your portraits at home or next to the furry model :)

Who is Lola?

Once upon a time, there was a girl who decided to adopt a rescue dog from abroad. Little did she know, the sweet-faced pup named Lola carried deep scars from her past. Lola was traumatised and fearful of everything, especially people.

Despite Lola’s initial hesitance, the girl showed her love and patience. Slowly but surely, Lola began to trust her and her new home. When no one else was around, Lola revealed her cheeky and demanding side, keeping her on her toes with her mischievous antics.

As the days turned into months and the months into years, Lola remained a work in progress. Though she had made remarkable strides, she still harboured a deep fear of people and the bustling streets of London. Yet, with support and dedication, Lola found comfort in their bond, knowing she was safe and loved in her forever home.

Who is Pops?

Once upon even more time, that very same girl shared a special bond with a beloved Persian cat called Pops, also known as Popi or Mr Poppingtons.

Pops was Lola’s predecessor, the epitome of feline charm and a true diva. He was a magnificent creature, with a white coat as soft as silk and bright eyes that sparkled with intelligence. He was also incredibly demanding, making his presence and wishes known at all times.

As time passed, the inevitable happened. The girl's beloved cat passed away, leaving a void in her heart that seemed impossible to fill. The grief was overwhelming, like losing a family member. 

In the wake of her loss, the girl found solace in the memories they shared, each one a precious reminder of the love they had for each other. Though her heart still ached with sorrow, she knew that his spirit would live on in her heart forever.

Do you want to know more?

So yes, that girl is me. 

After losing The Pops, when enough time passed by I had the fantastic idea of rescuing a dog from Romania…

It was quite a different story than what I expected. The rescue had assured me she was a happy-go-lucky pup who adored everyone, but when she first arrived, she hid under my bed for a whole month. Despite my attempts to entice her out with tasty treats, Lola remained wary of me, only venturing out only when I was asleep or away from the house.

After giving her some time to settle in, I decided it was time for a much-needed bath to address her dirty and matted fur. Lola was hesitant at first, but as I gently bathed and brushed her, she slowly began to trust me. It was during this time that our bond began to form. From that day, Lola became my constant shadow, following me everywhere around the house.

Fast forward two years, and while Lola has made progress, she still struggles with her fear of people, so venturing out easily on the street like you would with any other dog is still out of the question. She does enjoy countryside walks, though the mere sight of strangers can send her into a panic, causing her to attempt to bolt at the slightest hint of human interaction which is very disheartening. 

At home, Lola is quite a character. She's playful, cheeky and determined. Using playful snaps in the air with her mouth, she demands attention and ensures you never forget her meal times by issuing rather punctual warnings. 

She takes her role as guardian of the garden seriously, making sure no cats, foxes, or birds invade her territory. 

Dealing with a fearful dog is very challenging. There are days when Lola's progress seems to plateau but our journey together continues, filled with small victories as well as setbacks. She has her quirks but her presence fills our home with joy and laughter.